By: Rashi Chaudhary
Busting the Myth that Freshness Can’t Be Offered in a Bottle
The beverage industry is among the fastest-growing sectors in India. In fact, according to Drink Technology India Fair, India is the third-largest beverage consumer in the world, right after the United States and China.
However, the beverage of choice for each consumer depends on their needs and the exact characteristics of the beverages. Among these beverages, fruit juice has the highest demand, with many people choosing fruit juice over alcohol or soda. This is especially evident for those who consider health and fitness to be a priority, which is a big contributing factor behind the massive spike in India’s juice industry.
The Myth
As the juice industry gradually expands, competitors are focusing on various tactics both to stand out among each other in the market and to meet their customer’s demands. Unfortunately, this usually leads to many of them compromising on the most important factor: FRESHNESS.
Perception plays a big role in consumers’ buying behaviour for an individual product. For example, the abundance of adulterated bottled juices available in the market is making consumers believe that almost every fruit juice in a bottle is neither fresh, pure, nor healthy.
As part of this, let’s take a quick look at some of the other beliefs prevailing among the society with respect to bottled juice:
- Bottled juice is loaded with artificial ingredients like colors and flavours
- Bottled juice is high in refined sugar
- Bottled juice has added preservatives
- Bottled juice does not contain any nutritional value
- Bottled juice is high in calories
- Bottled juice barely uses actual fruits or veggies
Apart from these beliefs, increased health awareness and need to lead a healthy lifestyle has made many customers extremely picky about their drinking choices. The problem is that the lack of any trusted 100% natural and fresh juice bottle selling brands in the market has left little to healthy drinking options for consumers. Luckily, OMJOOS has managed to surpass this false belief. As to the how, keep on reading to find out!
How Has OMJOOS Busted This Myth?
OMJOOS, a residential cold-pressed juice brand, busted the prolonged societal belief that freshness can’t be found in a bottle back in 2017 by serving a range of fresh, chemical-free, and healthy cold-pressed juices in food-grade glass bottles.
Let’s take a closer look at this freshly pressed juice in a bottle to understand how OMJOOS has become a trusted cold-pressed juice brand in Delhi/NCR that provides all the daily nutritional requirement of the body:
- OMJOOS uses slow cold-pressed technology to extract juice from the produce. This process is also free from any heat, which helps retain all the required vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.
- The freshly pressed juice does not contain any external preservatives, sugars, flavours, colors, etc.
- The juice is made of freshly sourced fruits and veggies from all over the world.
- A selected variety of fruits are even imported from Australia, Egypt, California, and Morocco.
- Partnerships with local farmers help OMJOOS use the finest quality of fruits and veggies that fill up every OMJOOS bottle.
- To ensure freshness, taste, and nutritional value present in every juice bottle, OMJOOS prepares the juice a few hours before delivery. We do not have any storage concept.
- The refreshing juices are kept in an insulated dry ice container to preserve their freshness during delivery.
On that account, OMJOOS is bringing a healthy shift in their community from soda-based aerated or adulterated drinks to its wide range of fresh, bottled cold-pressed juices that use absolutely no added sugars preservatives.
The OMJOOS Difference
Our fresh juice bottle never undergoes heat pasteurization or high-pressure processing techniques, allowing the juice to keep live enzymes intact and other important nutrients. On the flip side, this leads to a shorter shelf life, which is why we always recommend consuming our juice within 8 hours after the delivery when stored in a recommended temperature.
How Does OMJOOS Press Its Wide Variety of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables?
To better understand why our juice so healthy, it’s best to cover the procedure we follow to serve the tastiest, most hygienic, and healthy freshly pressed juices:
- High-quality fruits and vegetables are sourced from different parts of the world and through our partnership with local farmers
- A team of professional juicers clean, peel, and thaw fruits and veggies to make them spotless and to avoid any cross-contamination
- To ensure taste and freshness, we don’t keep a stock of fruits or vegetables for longer than seven days
- Using slow juicers, our dedicated team of pressers press the produce to get pure juice that retains the maximum goodness
- Our products are tested under FSSAI authorized labs and by our expert tasters to ensure quality
- To keep the freshness of the juice intact during delivery, glass bottles are placed inside insulated containers with dry ice
Now that you understand our process, it’s important to note that not every cold-pressed juice is as healthy as it claims to be. To ensure the best for yourself and your loved ones, we would like to advise you to consider the following factors before choosing any reliable brand:
- Where are the fruits/veggies sourced from?
- What is the quality of the produce – are they natural and organic?
- What is the: freshness, taste, colour, pulp, smell, sugar content like?
- Do they meet high standards of hygiene?
- Do they have appropriate amounts of vitamins and minerals?
- What’s the shelf life of the juice?
- Have you reviewed consumer feedback (social media platforms of the respective brand and its website as well)?
Once you answer these questions, you’ll know for a fact whether you really should be drinking that juice in a bottle or not.
Final Thoughts
The continuous endeavour to make people healthy with a fresh alternative in a bottle is what OMJOOS has always focused on since its inception in 2017, and will continue to be paramount. We hope that this article has cleared all your doubts, busted the myth, and proved once and for all that freshness can definitely be found in a bottle.
Do let us know in the comments about your experience with OMJOOS and how much you enjoyed your fresh and organic bottled juice.